Send romantic hugs and kisses via X's and O's.
Sure, you give them a hug and a kiss each day, but why not shake it up a bit? Commit to sending them a week of hugs and kisses via the universal symbols: X and O.
Did you know....?
- X's symbolize kisses and O's symbolize hugs.
- Capital X's symbolize smooches, while lower case x's symbolize pecks.
- Capital O's symbolize bear hugs, while lower case o's symbolize squeezes.
Romantic X's and O's Ideas
Here are several romantic ideas for using X's and O's:
- Sign a few children's magnetic alphabet sets and place all of the x's and o's from it on the fridge for her to find.
- Give them Hershey's hugs and Hershey's Kisses arranged in the form of X's and O's.
- Make chocolate X and O shaped cookies.
- Give her an X and O bracelet or X and O necklace.
- Buy Alphabet shaped pasta and use only the x's and o's.
- Send her an email filled with nothing but X's and O's.
- Send her a text message with a simple XO as the message.
- Send her an encrypted message in the middle of x's and o's, such as:XOXOXOXOXOIXOXOXOXOXOXLXOXOXOXOX0XOXOXVOXXOXOXOYOXOXOXOXUXOXOX
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